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    Tina Fey and Amy Poehler will be back as hosts of the Golden Globes

    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa.

    Photo: Shutterstock

    However, there are cases in which pleasure can be obtained. Those who are victims of corrupt practices and who avoid painful experiences. On the other hand, those who provide entertainment and avoid hardships. These individuals must be blamed for avoiding responsibilities, bolstering inner strength, and releasing psychological pain.

    Who should then blame the pleasure, as long as it is done without yielding to discomfort. Either he who is tormented by suffering or he who pursues pleasure without any hindrance.

    In these particular situations, it is necessary to provide solutions, services, and opportunities to embrace and reject pleasures and more disturbing pains.

    However, there are cases in which pleasure can be obtained. Those who are victims of corrupt practices and who avoid painful experiences. On the other hand, those who provide entertainment and avoid hardships. These individuals must be blamed for avoiding responsibilities, bolstering inner strength, and releasing psychological pain.

    Who should then blame the pleasure, as long as it is done without yielding to discomfort. Either he who is tormented by suffering or he who pursues pleasure without any hindrance.

    In these particular situations, it is necessary to provide solutions, services, and opportunities to embrace and reject pleasures and more disturbing pains.

    Temporally, there are circumstances and duties or necessities that are often encountered, and pleasures are rejected and discomforts are not avoided. So, these relevant propositions must be selected wisely, to either refuse greater pleasures or endure more painful hardships.

    Experiences some measure of pain and displeasure

    Sometimes opportunities when duties are fulfilled or choices are freely made, without hindrances, nothing prohibits what is most pleasing to be done, and all pleasure is assumed, and all pain is repelled.

    Ordered List

    1. However, there are cases in which pleasure can be obtained.
    2. And these particular scenarios are easy to distinguish and resolve quickly.
    3. During free time, when the solution is provided, an option must be chosen.

    Unordered List

    • However, there are cases in which pleasure can be obtained.
    • And these particular scenarios are easy to distinguish and resolve quickly.
    • During free time, when the solution is provided, an option must be chosen.

    Nobody should avoid pleasure because it is troublesome, and abandon it because they follow up on great pains that they do not understand.

    And these particular scenarios are easy to distinguish and resolve quickly. During free time, when the solution is provided, there are no inhibitions that prevent making the best choice since all pleasures are to be assumed, and all pain is repelled.

    No exceptions. Except under specific circumstances, they do not provide favors, and the guilty party from avoiding responsibilities is the one who faces pain in their work.

    However, there are cases in which pleasure can be obtained. Those who are victims of corrupt practices and who avoid painful experiences. On the other hand, those who provide entertainment and avoid hardships. These individuals must be blamed for avoiding responsibilities, bolstering inner strength, and releasing psychological pain.

    Nor is there anyone who loves discomfort, who pursues it, or who seeks pain all the time. But because sometimes circumstances arise in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise.

    However, there are cases in which pleasure can be obtained. Those who are victims of corrupt practices and who avoid painful experiences. On the other hand, those who provide entertainment and avoid hardships. These individuals must be blamed for avoiding responsibilities, bolstering inner strength, and releasing psychological pain. Who should then blame the pleasure, as long as it is done without yielding to discomfort. Either he who is tormented by suffering or he who pursues pleasure without any issues.

    And these particular scenarios are easy to distinguish and resolve quickly. During free time, when the solution is provided, there are no inhibitions that prevent making the best choice since all pleasures are to be assumed, and all pain is repelled.

    Al buscar el fundamento de cada error nacido, aparece el placer acusatorio y el elogio del dolor, que despliegan todo el panorama, la misma que el inventor de la verdad y el supuesto arquitecto de la vida dichosa han expresado.

    En efecto, nosotros, que acusamos con justicia e indignación justa a aquellos líderes de la presente alegría, que han sido corrompidos y engañados por dolores y dificultades, ¿a quiénes quieren engañar estos molestos placeres que no proporcionan provecho alguno, sino que son culpables de abandonar el trabajo duro y el escape de los dolores?

    El texto está muy bien, pero el contenido es poco útil.

    ¿Quién puede culpar al que disfruta de esa felicidad y que, en esa alegría, considera insignificante cualquier molestia? ¿O a aquel que, por elección, decide evadirse de esos dolores que no tienen fin, persiguiendo continuamente dichas y evitando los dolores?

    En efecto, nosotros, que acusamos con justicia e indignación justa a aquellos líderes de la presente alegría, que han sido corrompidos y engañados por dolores y dificultades, ¿a quiénes quieren engañar estos molestos placeres que no proporcionan provecho alguno, sino que son culpables de abandonar el trabajo duro y el escape de los dolores?

    En la vida cotidiana, hay momentos en los que debemos esforzarnos físicamente y mentalmente para obtener beneficios. Mediante el trabajo duro y el sufrimiento, podemos encontrar realización y satisfacción.

    Nadie disfruta el placer en sí mismo, ya que es natural huir del dolor. Sin embargo, debido a las grandes dificultades, algunas personas no saben cómo perseguir y disfrutar ese placer racionalmente.

    Estas actividades son fáciles y rápidas de distinguir. En tiempos libres, cuando se nos brinda la oportunidad de elegir lo que más nos conviene, no hay nada que nos impida hacer lo que más nos gusta; todas las alegrías deben buscarse, y todo dolor debe ser repelido.

    No hay nada que pueda ser comparado. Excepto aquellos que, por muy válidos que sean, se ven obligados a abandonar el trabajo duro. Son culpables de abandonar su deber moral.

    Al buscar el fundamento de cada error nacido, aparece el placer acusatorio y el elogio del dolor, que despliegan todo el panorama, la misma que el inventor de la verdad y el supuesto arquitecto de la vida dichosa han expresado.

    Nadie quiere el dolor en sí mismo, pero puede ocurrir que busquemos el placer con esfuerzo, rechazando el dolor y buscando una gran alegría en medio de un trabajo extenuante y lleno de retos.

    En efecto, nosotros, que acusamos con justicia e indignación justa a aquellos líderes de la presente alegría, que han sido corrompidos y engañados por dolores y dificultades, ¿a quiénes quieren engañar estos molestos placeres que no proporcionan provecho alguno, sino que son culpables de abandonar el trabajo duro y el escape de los dolores? ¿Quién puede culpar al que disfruta de esa felicidad y que, en esa alegría, considera insignificante cualquier molestia?

    Nadie quiere el dolor en sí mismo, pero puede ocurrir que busquemos el placer con esfuerzo, rechazando el dolor y buscando una gran alegría en medio de un trabajo extenuante y lleno de retos.

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